Thursday 5 February 2015

ŁKS does not read books

Let's assume that you are foreigner, ok ? You learn or work in Poland or maybe you visit friends. Nevermind, you are here in Łódź. You are waiting for a bus and you start to look around. There are many advertising, banners and so on but you see also inscriptions on the walls. They are not beautiful or eye-catching but you also realize that people around you peek at them and smile. But why ?
First of all you must know that there are 2 football clubs based in Łódź. Widzew and ŁKS.
Widzew(RTS) was founded in 1922 and named after district of the city where it is based. Widzew has a lot of fans in Łódź. Their nickname is Czerwona Armia (Red Army). Widzew currently plays in the Polish Second Division.

ŁKS is based in the West of Łódź.  Unfortunately, after years of financial hardships, the club declared bankruptcy in May 2013. Now ŁKS competes in Fourth Polish Division.
The most important thing is that fans of these two clubs do not like each other but this statement does not fully reflect reality, if you know what I mean : )

In most cases this "war" is rude, offensive and inelegant. People on the streets screaming bad things, accusing everyone of being homosexual and stuff. This went on for a long time and is still ongoing but someone had a brilliant idea. If we still want to offend each other, let's make this less vulgar, in such a way that other people do not feel disgusted.

"ŁKS does not read books", "Widzew does not respect the fast", "ŁKS sleeps with socks on" and many others. To understand what's so funny, you have to know Polish culture, history and tradition, or you can ask your friend from Poland what it's all about. They are very sarcastic and ironic and ridiculous too.
It's very funny for us, even when we can't explain it. It's for us in some way natural that we understand it.
However I encourage all of you to ask your friends what these inscriptions mean. You can learn a lot about Polish mentality.

I post the website as well:

Check it out !

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